Wealth Creation
Wealth Creation
Wealth creation begins with a sound understanding of investments basics. Budgeting, saving money, reducing/eliminating debt and borrowing to invest are just some of the ways you can begin to build wealth. In the ever changing economic climate, seeking sound investment advice is critical to helping you achieve your long-term financial goals.
Barwon Financial Planning can create strategies to help achieve your financial goals, advising on the right products and the most tax effective investments tailored to your individual circumstance.
Investment Advice From Barwon Financial Planning
An integral part of growing your wealth and securing your financial future is receiving the correct investment advice and choosing the right type of assets to invest in. To reach your long-term financial goals there is a certain amount of risk that needs to be taken. One way to manage that risk is to have a diversified investment portfolio.
Barwon Financial Planning will work closely with you to understand what is important to you and create an investment portfolio based on your needs and objectives to reach your financial goals.
Having a share portfolio as part of your investment strategy can provide both capital growth and pay regular dividend income to investors. We can provide the right mix of shares for your portfolio with help from our comprehensive market research and information.
An annuity can provide a guaranteed income for your retirement either it be for a set period of time or even for a lifetime. It provides you peace of mind that you will receive fixed income no matter what happens.
SMSF Investment Advice
Barwon Financial Planning can provide advice on the types of investments held within your SMSF (self-managed super fund), the asset allocation and investment strategy to maximise your retirement savings.
Managed Funds
Managed Funds are a pooled investment vehicle allowing individuals to invest in a diversified range of different asset classes including cash, fixed interest, property and shares by purchasing units. The funds are managed by a professional fund manager. Managed funds allow individual investors to access a wide range of investment opportunities which may not be available to individual investors.
Tax planning advice
Having an understanding on how taxation works and how it affects you, can help you better prepare and manage your finances and hopefully end up saving money in the long run. Taxation can be very complicated and the rules and legislation are constantly changing. It is important to make sure you are aware of the current laws so that your personal finances and investments are managed in a tax-efficient way. Taxation planning forms an important component of your financial plan.
Your Barwon Financial Planner can incorporate effective tax planning strategies across your investment portfolio, personal payroll i.e. salary packaging or your family financial situation to lawfully help minimise the amount you have to pay.
Budgeting and Cashflow
Many people get excited about building wealth but sometimes before we can start saving or investing we need to take a step back and look at our current situation. You may think you don’t have the funds to start investing or wish to pay off that personal loan or debt that has been holding you back but not sure how to get there.
Our expert advisers will sit down with you and assess your current cash flow and will create a plan or budget that will enable you to successfully achieve your goals whatever they may be.
Home and Investment Loans / Equipment Finance
Barwon Financial Planning is an authorised credit representative and can assist you in understanding all aspects of debt and lending as well as refer you to the appropriate loans specialist.
For further information please contact Barwon Financial Planning to discuss the right loan facility for you.
Being made redundant can be a very stressful and confusing time for many. Either it be early in your working career, leaving you wondering how you will continue to support you and your family, or near the end, forcing you to retire before you are ready. Aside from the emotional effects of losing your job there is the financial side, one being the loss of your main source of regular income and the other your redundancy payout.
Barwon Financial Planning can help you understand your entitlements, discuss your options and recommend the best strategy for you and your family.