Aged Care Advice
Aged Care Advice
Australians more than ever are living longer and healthier lives. However, there may come a time when you may have to consider placing yourself, relative or friend into residential aged care. This could be one of the most confusing and emotional times in your life. Unsurprisingly, your main focus will be finding the best aged care facility for you or your family but it is just as important to consider your financial options so you can make the right decision for one of the biggest lifestyle changes you may make.
Issues We Can Help You Navigate
Barwon Financial Planning can work with you to explore all your financial options and take the worry out of this important financial decision. Some of the complex issues we can advise on include:
Level of care
Cost and fees
Upfront payments or ongoing payments
Effect on Centrelink or DVA entitlements
Aged Care Resources
We have created the Barwon Financial Planning Guide to The Age Pension, which provides an overview of how the pension works, and eligibility criteria.
Our Steps To Aged Care guide lists out the process for organising aged care, and how we can assist with financial guidance.
There is also more information on the MyAgedCare website , which may answer some questions and help you to clarify the areas that you need to learn more about.